I grew up drawing and painting since I could hold a pencil, but photography as an art form was a later love for me. Before cell phones (man, I sound old), I was "that person" who always had a camera on hand- just a little point and shoot- constantly documenting my friends and family. I couldn't help it. Getting photos back from the lab felt like magic. Photography felt like magic.
I didn't start exploring photography as an art until I was a junior in high school, and even then, I was still focusing more on drawing and painting. But the desire to document and create that magic remained, always. After a trip to Africa, my mom insisted that one day she would see "photographer" next to my name. I shrugged that off with an eye roll and a "Mo-om!" because I didn't think that would ever be the case... but sure enough, Moms just know. As photography started to emerge as my main hobby, before I knew it, people were asking if I could take photos for them, and soon started asking how much I charged. Suddenly, I had fallen into accidental business.
I went to photography school in 2010 and photographed my first wedding that same year. I graduated from New England School of Photography in 2012 with an emphasis on fine art and documentary. I have had work displayed in juried exhibitions for galleries around the world, such as Royal Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and Photographic Resource Center in Boston. I have worked all around the world in various documentary and portraiture projects, from Uganda to Los Angeles, Guatemala to India. Now, I'm focusing these skills a bit closer to home, with no less passion or tenacity.
This is a photo of me from the time I modeled for the University of Edinburgh student prospectus.
I am clearly a very fancy person.